monitor-149362_640There was a time when many believed the Mac to be simply a toy to be played with or used in schools, or a tool for artists to use to design graphics and videos. Times have changed as Apple has worked to increase the usefulness of its computers, opening the doors for businesses to adopt these devices instead of sticking with a traditional Windows PC. However, which environment is right for your business? There are several factors you must consider before you decide to go with Macs or PCs in your business.

In the past, Mac and PC compatibility was almost an impossibility, but with the widespread adoption of document standards and the increase availability of software across both platforms there are very few issues today. However, there are some instances when you can still have compatibility issues and some software is simply not available on the Mac, so before you decide which platform to use, it is important to examine what both your clients and vendors use and factor any potential problems into your decision.

Macs are traditionally much more expensive to purchase than their PC counterparts and you will also find that there aren't as many vendors that sell Macs when compared to PCs. If you are looking to spend as little as possible on the computers in your company, opting for the PC platform is definitely the better choice as they are far cheaper and much more readily available than the Mac.

Windows has become infamous for the sheer amount of viruses that can infect it and which can interfere with productivity at the very least and, at the very worst, steal sensitive data from your machines. Macs suffer from far fewer viruses when compared to PCs, but in recent years they have also seen their fair share of viruses as more and more individuals and businesses adopt the Mac. Overall, the Mac is the better choice if you security is a paramount concern at your business.

Ease of Use
While ease of use is somewhat subjective based on a user's history, many more people are experienced using Windows when compared to the Mac. Windows PCs have dominated the market for many years now and virtually anyone who has used a computer has used a PC. Macs have a much smaller market share when compared to PCs running Windows, meaning many of your users probably have no experience on a Mac. However, Macs are well known for being very user friendly and the learning curve is minimal if you are considering making the switch.

Company Image
Apple has a foothold on the image market and has made it one of the primary focuses of their business. Many individuals and businesses alike prefer using the Mac simply because of the sense of status using the brand implies. If you are looking to create an image that is the envy of all then choosing the Mac for your computer platform is a must, as PCs simply cannot compete with the Mac when it comes to style.

While there once a time when choosing the right platform was dictated by the type of business you were in; today's world is much different. Both PCs and Macs bring their own benefits and drawbacks when selecting them for your business, but you will find in most circumstances the platform you choose will simply come down to a matter of preference as both platforms will provide you the tools you need to conduct business effectively.